When’s The Best Time To Buy A Log Splitter

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When’s the best time to buy a log splitter? This is a somewhat broad question, do you mean for good deals? Or when’s the best time to get one, so you’re not caught out in the winter. Or even when is it time to upgrade from your current splitter. Like most questions there are usually multiple ways to look at it. So getting an answer can be difficult, so I hope to be able to clear it up for you today.

Once you get a log splitter, you will kick yourself for not getting one sooner. They make splitting wood so much easier, you might even end up liking splitting wood. I know there is something that I find enjoyable about splitting logs with a splitter. So now is the best time to start preparing to get your very own splitter, to win back some of your precious time. Time that could be better spent relaxing watching the game, or spending time with the family.

What Time Of Year Is Best To Buy A Splitter – Weather Answer

This is definitely one of the easier questions to answer in my opinion. When do you need wood for fire? The usual answer to this is winter, which is normally around the middle of December. So you will want to have a log splitter for the cold months. The one thing some people do seem to When To Buy A Log Splitterforget is that you will want to split your wood before winter. So I’d actually recommend getting a splitter even earlier. Just so you’re not caught of guard and have to split during the colder months.

The thing with this simple answer is the wood you will be splitting. Have you got your wood earlier enough, and let it season the appropriate length of time. This can cause quite the problem if you have green logs, since they’re so much more difficult to split. If you have not prepared for this, there are really only a few solutions in my opinion.

This is you’re forced to buy firewood, which can be extremely expensive. Or you get a more powerful log splitter, which will be able to split the logs. This is also expensive, and still leaves the problem of having green wood. Which really isn’t a great option, since it requires more heat to start the fire. Not to mention the extra smoke from the water in the wood.

When To Buy A Splitter To Find The Best Deals?

We all want to save money when we buy things, and especially so when log splitters cost so much. So finding the best time to find a deal is great idea before purchasing. The irony with this question and the one above, is the best deals are

Best Time To Save Money On A Log Splitter

found just after winter. Right when you no longer need a log splitter. This isn’t always the case, but there is a higher chance to find a deal at this time.

While not everywhere does them, but a black Friday sale is also another a good option. Since log splitters cost so much, I have noticed there are far less deals on them compared to let’s say a television. Sadly log splitters don’t go on sale as much as other items. I believe this to be, because they’re a specialty items in a lot of areas. So the best way to find the best deals is to keep an eye out on local dealers and online.

In my opinion this is the best time to buy a log splitter. When you’re trying to find a good deal. Sadly this isn’t something I can guarantee.

When Should I Upgrade My Log Splitter

This is not really a question I can answer, but can give a few recommendations for. This is just my opinion, and everyone situation is different. In a perfect world you would hope you buy a splitter, and it works for the next 20 years. Sadly this isn’t always the case, sometimes 10 years is to much to ask for some splitters. Sometimes you just get a lemon and no amount of fixing will help you.

There isn’t to many times you should upgrade a log splitter. The main times you should upgrade your log splitter, is if you’re either downsizing or up sizing. There is not much point having a 26 ton splitter, if you’re going to only be splitting soft wood that’s, 8 inches in diameter. The same goes for if the wood you will be using is much harder, and larger. Then upgrading to something larger might just be the thing you need.

If you’re log splitter is having consistent problems, then this is time to starting thinking about if you need to upgrade. It gets extremely frustrating when you have to constantly keep fixing things. It’s not something you should put up with when you’ve spent $1500 on it. Not to mention the cost of fixing it, or even shipping it. This is definitely time to start thinking of an upgrade.

My Final Thoughts On Buying A Log Splitter Based On Time Of Year

It isn’t always possible to wait til the best time to buy a log splitter. It’s just not always going to line up for you, which is really frustrating. In a perfect world you would buy a log splitter just after winter, to prep for an upcoming one. This is possible if you can handle renting another splitter, for another year. This is something I see a lot of people doing, which is perfectly fine for their situation. But if you want to be more serious about relying more on wood, then eventually you will need your own splitter.

So it’s best to do what fits your situation is the best recommendation I have for most people. Adding the financial burden of trying to come up with the money for a log splitter is tough for most families. So if you can wait for a sale, this is the best option. If you can’t wait and really need one and have the money for one, get one. If not then renting or borrowing a friends is another useful option.

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