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I feel Jonsered are a brand that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, so I jumped at the chance to do these Jonsered chainsaw reviews. One of the reasons that I believe Jonsered deserve a lot more credit comes down to the fact they’re responsible for the very first single man chainsaw.
This breakthrough was the basis for every future chainsaw to come, even to this day chainsaws are modeled around the very first Jonsered model. So after setting he standard way back when does make you wonder how good their modern chainsaws are!
Are Jonsered Chainsaws Any Good?
This is a question that I get quite a bit and I fully understand understand the need to know the answer before moving forward with the purchase. Are Jonsered chainsaws any good and are they worth the money?.
While I can sit here and tell you that yes they are reliable and powerful chainsaws, there will always be someone who has had a bad experience. But this is something you come to expect as no brand or model is perfect. There will always be a ‘dud’ product regardless of what the brand is. But the key to revealing the truth is the frequency of duds. Fortunately for Jonsered the number of complaints is minimal. Which does speak volumes for the brand in general.
Why Buy Jonsered Chainsaws Over Other Brands?
One of the things that really sold me on this brand is that Jonsered chainsaws are made by Husqvarna. Which as you may already know are one of the market leaders when it comes to high quality chainsaws. So quality is almost guaranteed to start with.
When I think about Jonsered and Husqvarna working together, I get excited at the possibilities. But that alone isn’t enough of a reason to consider them as one of my top recommendations. As I briefly mentioned before, Jonsered have a solid reputation from existing customers. While naturally I couldn’t investigate 100% of the people that have bought a Jonsered chainsaw in the past, what I did discover was that there was very minimal negative feedback and complaints.
So they have a quality manufacturer behind them, a good reputation and seem to be a very reliable chainsaw brand. But how do they fair in terms of value for money, that is the question most of you will be eager to discover.
Because a lot of there models have very similar parts compared to their Husqvarna equivalents you would expect them to be in the same ball park figure as Husqvarna chainsaws. But what I’ve found to be the case is that they are generally a little cheaper. So they can be great for people who are on a budget. Find out below just what models are the best Jonsered chainsaws.
Jonsered 2240 Chainsaw Reviews
How Good Is The Jonsered 2240 Chainsaw
The Jonsered 2240 has a tendency to cause quite the debate among chainsaw enthusiasts. They are very much a love or hate chainsaw. While I fall on the side of loving it, I can understand where the dislikes can come from. A lot of people do find it quite difficult to start, and I have noticed a big part of this comes from people simply not reading the manual thoroughly. Most of these complaints tend to disappear once people read the manual.
Now I got that small issue out of the way, the saw itself is great at what it does. With a small but powerful 40cc gas motor, it excels for people who are more part time users. While it can be great for cutting large amounts of firewood, it doesn’t really have the power to get through some of the bigger stuff. But if your logs are smaller, the 16 inch bar combined with the 40cc motor make it great for this.
One of the things I really like about the 2240chainsaw is its quick release snap locked cylinder covers. This makes it easier to access the air filter and spark plugs, which of course makes life easier when doing maintenance. Jonsereds have designed their chainsaws so that the air filter doesn’t get clogged up as quickly compared to other brands. Only poor maintenance really can cause it to clog up. By poor maintenance I mean never cleaning or replacing the air filter.
How To Start The Jonsered 2240 Chainsaw From A Cold Start
- First you need to pull out and up on the choke lever.
- You then need to prime it 6 times once the fuel fills the bulb up.
- Then you proceed to pulling the cord until it fires up.
- You need to be careful with this step, and that is you need to push the choke lever down. But you need to not use the trigger, since that will take it off high idle.
- Last step is pull the cord until it starts and you will be on the high idle and ready to go.
What I Like About The 2240
- The tool free chain tension system is a features I can’t go without.
- As I said above, this chainsaw has a great ability to keep its air filter very clean from all the dust, which makes maintenance easier.
- With the 16 inch bar made handling medium trees really simple, and cutting up my smaller logs for fire wood.
The Specs Of the 2240
- Power output – 2.5hp/ 1.8kw
- Cylinder Displacement – 2.5 Cubic Inches/ 40.9 cm³
- Weight (Without The cutting Gear) – 9.48 lbs
- Maximum And Minimum Recommended Bar Lengths – 18 inches and 13 inches
- Chain Pitch – 0.325
- Fuel Mix – 50:1

Compare Jonsered 2245 Vs 2240 Chainsaws
Unlike the above chainsaw, there is no doubt about how good the 2245 is. With some of the most competent saw users with 40 years experience highly recommending the 2245, you just know its a good tool to own. So much so it’s considered a professional chainsaw that is used on the job day in, day out yet very suitable for home owners needing the extra oomph other brands can’t offer. A popular chainsaw as the trail maintainer on the Appalachian trial. While there are certainly more jobs that use a saw more, I feel using a chainsaw for this particular job gets across how reliable this unit is.
While there will always be more powerful chainsaws on the market, not everyone needs some 70cc beast. So the 45cc gas engine in this model is sufficient for a lot of home users, and also as a professional tool for work. This chainsaw can handle the same things the model above can, just easier with the slightly more stubborn trees. It is great a great tool to your shed if you live in a very storm heavy area, and need to clear debris more then the average person.
One of the things that really appeals to me with this chainsaw in particular is how smooth it runs. It never stalled out on me, and has a nice idle which never sputtered. It does also have the Husqvarna badge on it, meaning it wasn’t made by Poulan. While I personally have no issues with Poulon, I know some people do. So I thought I should mention that. It is also manufactured in the USA, which isn’t quite the same as made, but an improvement.
What I Like About The 2245
- I love the reliability of this chainsaw which is one of the key things for most chainsaw users. Having constant issues with a chainsaw can leave a bad feel, but this never occurred with this particular model.
- The 45cc motor provides plenty of power for the average home owner who doesn’t need to cut to much. But has some slightly bigger branches to cut down into smaller sizes.
- In my opinion you can’t buy a much better semi commercial saw for a better price. If you’re looking for a pro saw I would be looking elsewhere, and be prepared to spend anywhere near $600.
The Specs Of The 2245
- Power Output – 2.82hp/ 2.1kw
- Cylinder Displacement – 2.79 Cubic Inches/ 45.7 cm³
- Weight (Without Cutting Gear) – 10.8 lbs
- Maximum And Minimum Recommended Bar Lengths – 18 Inches and 13 Inches (personally I prefer the 16 inch)
- Chain Pitch – 0.325
- Fuel Mix – 50:1

Jonsered 2250 Chainsaw Comparison Review
When I saw the Jonsered Husqvarna equivalent chainsaw, I mean it with this chainsaw. The reason is that this chainsaw on the inside is made from the exact same parts as the Husqvarna 440 chainsaw. So you know you will be getting some quality parts, and made by one of the best chainsaw manufactures on the market.
So with parts being identical and the only difference being one is red and a Jonsered, and the other orange and a Husqvarna. So the choice is is yours and which one you would prefer.
Most Powerful Jonsered Chainsaw
This is the most powerful chainsaw on this list with a 50cc gas powered engine, with an 18 inch bar. So it is going to get through some larger trees and really only struggle on things that would require a professional grade saw. Considering a professional grade saw can easily cost over $600, it makes this saw a bargain in my eyes. Close to professional level, but on a budget. If you’re looking at a chainsaw like this you will most likely be using it a lot more frequently then others, or are an enthusiast.
I was running this chainsaw all day and the thing that really caught my attention, was how it didn’t heat up at all. Even tho it was pretty constant work, but I will admit I wasn’t trying to force it to cut nothing it couldn’t handle. Again it’s that reliability that this brand seems to get right, that is really up my alley. I’m a big fan of a chainsaw that just works and doesn’t have issues, and that is what I got with this machine.
What I Like About the 2250
- For how much this thing costs, I feel you get a lot power for your money. This combined with the quality of the parts make it really stand out for me.
- I was really impressed with how cool it was after such a long consistent use, there isn’t a lot of chainsaws that run like that to me.
- For me this chainsaw started really easy whether it was hot or cold, which is something that I think anyone who has used a gas chainsaw can appreciate.
The Specs For The 2250
- Power Output – 3.22hp/ 2.4kw
- Cylinder Displacement – 3.06 Cubic Inches/ 50.2 cm³
- Weight (Without The Cutting Gear) – 11.2 lbs
- Maximum and Minimum Recommended Bar Lengths – 18 Inches and 13 Inches (Tho it can use a 20 inch bar if you wanted)
- Chain Pitch – 0.325
- Fuel Mix – 50:1

Does Jonsered Do A Battery Powered Chainsaw
The short answer to this is yes they do, and from what I’ve seen it is a pretty good choice for a electric saw. But I wasn’t able to get my hands on it, so I wasn’t able to review it. From some simple checking around I did find that it is powered by a 58v battery that is a 5.2Ah Lithium-Ion. Which is actually on the higher side of power for battery powered chainsaws.
So they do a battery powered chainsaw and if you’re interested in looking into it, you can find out more here. Tho the price is a bit on the high side at the moment, so that choice is up to you. If you feel the advantages of a battery chainsaw interest you more, and you would like to read more reviews for electric chainsaws, find out more here.
Gas VS Battery Which Is Better?
This is a tough comparison and finding out which is better is almost impossible. Since they are both designed to be for very different types of people. So which is better is purely subjective, since it is based on opinion. But on pure numbers, in my opinion I believe gas to be superior. Tho with that in mind I want to go over what are the advantages of both and maybe it might help with your decision. Or even changed your mind on one or the other.
The Advantage of A Gas Chainsaws
Gas chainsaws are the more common types of chainsaws, which I feel a big part is due to there simple design. This simple design often leads them to be cheaper then a battery powered chainsaw, so if you’re on a budget gas is the better option here. Tho an electric chainsaw would be even cheaper, but lacks the power of a gas chainsaw.
Speaking of power, gas chainsaws have this in spades. This is why a lot of professional grade saws are gas powered, which should give you a bit of an idea on why gas is number one for power. Tho they also make smaller engines which is great for people who prefer the portability of a gas chainsaw, and don’t want the hassle of a lead or charging batteries.
Tho one of the biggest advantages of a gas chainsaw is that you can cut for as long as you have gas. And you will get more cutting down on one tank then you will on one charge of a battery. You could say the same with battery powered, but the difference is the charging inbetween. Unless you have several batteries, which can get costly. So if you have a big workload to get through, then gas is the best option.
The Disadvantages Of A Gas Chainsaw
There are a few disadvantages to gas, while some are really just minor inconveniences they can still be frustrating even to the most experienced user. The first disadvantage is only a minor inconvenience and that is noise, due to the engine they are usually louder. Which can easily be solved some form of ear protection, which you should normally use anyway, tho I know most don’t.
The biggest disadvantage is really dependent on the type of person you are. If you’re aren’t the most mechanical person then doing maintenance and servicing a chainsaw can be extremely overwhelming. Which would mean having to take it to a dealership and getting them to do such things for you, which costs money. This isn’t a big problem if you’re good with this kind of thing, but not everyone is.
The Advantages Of A Battery Powered Chainsaw
While they aren’t for everyone, battery powered chainsaws have a few things going for them that set them apart from the competition. One thing that they do have going for them is that they are so much quieter then there gas counterpart. While this doesn’t seem like a big thing, your ears and neighbors will thank you for going with a battery powered chainsaw.
While having multiple batteries can be expensive, sometimes it can be worth it for a very good reason. If you have multiple battery powered tools, like drills etc, using the same brand and having the same type of batteries in each unit. Can help remove of the disadvantages of a battery chainsaw. It means you can have several batteries charging at a time, and not have to stop cutting when you have a big job ahead of you. Not just for the chainsaw, but your other tools as well.
The Disadvantages Of Battery Powered Chainsaw
Sadly there are more disadvantages to a battery powered chainsaw, when you are comparing them to a gas machine. If it was compared to an electric, a battery saw will hold its own. It just struggles against a gas in my opinion. The first thing you notice when you look at these kinds of saws, you will notice they will cost more. Because you have to buy the charger, and sometimes extra batteries. And in this day and age, saving every dollar is important.
I’ve said it a few times, unless you have extra batteries cutting time can be an issue. This is also a bit dependent on your circumstance, maybe the job you need done will only take 30 minutes or an hour. So you won’t require several batteries and that makes this disadvantage no affect you.
While they have come a long way over the years, they still are behind gas chainsaws in terms of cutting power. So if you have some more tougher jobs like handling larger tougher trees, or bucking up a tree, then you are better off with a gas chainsaw. But at the end of the day, battery powered chainsaws have come a long way from there beginning. I have no doubt they will eventually equal a gas unit.
About The Company
When I do a review for one particular brand, I like to know more about the company. The simple reason for this, is in my opinion the more you know you about a company. The more you can understand there priorities when making there products. Like if it is a family company, then they will want to try and keep there name good. So in theory there products should be better, tho this isn’t always the case.
One of the things that I found the most interesting about Jonsered, was what they were responsible for. How in 1954 they created the first one man chainsaw, this revolutionized the landscape for chainsaws. This made the lives on lumberjacks so much easier, and considering they were founded in Sweden. Which is 75% forest you can understand how useful this would be.
While they were originally an independent company, they eventually got bought by Electrolux who also owned Husqvarna at the time. Who then eventually managed to break away and Husqvarna took over the production of Jonsered chainsaws. While this is only a very brief summary of the company, there is a lot more to know. If you are interested in that and want to know more about where they are made, you can find out more here.
The Features Of A Chainsaw You Should Consider
The features on a chainsaw can be the difference between $200 and $400 dollar chainsaw. Not every chainsaw comes with the same features, and most are a mix and match. Which can get frustrating when the chainsaw you like doesn’t have the ones you like. Most of these features are just quality of life improvements, and some do keep the chainsaw working for years longer.
One feature that I know a lot of people like are the auto tension system, and the tool less tension systems. While I’m a big fan of tool less tension systems, since I don’t have to have as many tools with me, I know not everyone likes them. The auto system is great for beginners who are nervous about tensioning the chain themselves, so it’s great for a first timer.
Auto oiling is another great feature that saves on time, tho it does come with a risk of not putting enough, or putting to much oil on. So it can overheat or be really thirsty, while these are things that can happen. They are more the worst case scenarios, and in most cases you have a useful feature that takes a small annoyance out of the picture.
One of the more rare features is a self sharpening chainsaw, which are very few and far between. This is excellent for a first timer who doesn’t know how to use a sharpening kit, and doesn’t want to take there saw to a dealer to get sharpened. Tho once you get some experience under your belt, using a sharpening kit becomes easy. Meaning when ever you go to buy a new saw you can get a much better model, since you won’t be paying extra for the self sharpening feature.
Jonsered Chainsaw Prices
The prices of Jonsered chainsaws can vary quite bit, depending on where you purchase them. Tho in my opinion the best place to buy them in this day and age is online. This is because there really aren’t any dedicated stores to Jonsereds equipment, or there aren’t many around. And going to your local store and have a salesman trying to sell you the most expensive model on the shelf.
One of the biggest reasons I like to find my saws online is I don’t have to use the gas and my time, going to a store. When I can just go online and read actual reviews from people who actually use them in there week to week. I would recommend amazon for your outdoor power equipment, it is where I get all my Jonsereds. They have a large selection of chainsaws to choose from.
The Best Jonsered Chainsaws – My Final Take
Picking the best of anything is a difficult task, and never fully right. It is all purely subjective, and what I think is the best you may not. All three of the chainsaws on this list are very similar with just minor power improvements over the last. As someone who likes to have more power then they need, I would have to go with the 2250. I like not having to worry about thinking if I will have enough power to get through something. But that doesn’t take away from the other two, they are slightly cheaper, and less power. But they will still get the job done for most people. So it is up to you to pick your poison.
What Protective Gear Should You Use While Operating A Chainsaw
While this should go without saying, using a chainsaw is dangerous. You won’t see to many professionals who don’t have a few stories to tell, or have some missing fingers. The chain spins at high speed, and the kickback can catch a lot of people off guard. So wearing the right gear will keep these injuries to a minimum.
The most important bit of gear that everyone has and should always use, is there brain. This is the most important thing, if you use your chainsaw smart, then you will eliminate 99% of the problems that can happen. This sounds ridiculous when you say it, but I can’t even count the number of times. I have had someone told me they weren’t thinking and got an injury.
The Gear Itself
But in terms of what gear to use while using a chainsaw? This is pretty simple there are only a few pieces of gear you will need and none of it really costs a lot in the grand scheme of things. The first thing you should wear is some eye protection, the amount of dust kicking around and maybe even a bit of wood coming off is a real risk to eye injury.
The next bit of gear are some chainsaw chaps, or cut resistant pants. These can really be a leg saver, the thread is meant to tangle the chain and cause it to stop, preventing injury. If you want to go full protection you can get cut resistant jackets as well. After the pants and jacket are the leather gloves, or a proper pair of work gloves, anything to help protect the body.
The last two pieces are some work boots with a steel toe, and ear plugs. The boots are great for protecting your feet from a wayward branch falling on them and breaking your toes. The ear plugs or muffs will be your ears best friends, chainsaws are loud especially when you’re going full throttle. Most people who have met that old timer who can’t hear a thing because of using chainsaws his whole life without such a thing.